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Lab Scheduling Request

Please note the following:

  • Lab Request forms must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the first requested date.
  • Only the labs listed below are available for scheduling through this form.
  • No more than 50% of any course may be taught in an IT computer lab.
  • Finals week will not be scheduled automatically. It is your responsibility to schedule in advance any times you need a lab during the week of final exams.
  • Instructors are encouraged to attend a lab orientation session before teaching in a computer lab. To request an orientation, contact the IT Help Desk x4-4357
  • Instructor may need to sign a Copyright Release Form before specialized software can be installed in lab.

Required portions of the form are marked (*). Requests submitted without required information cannot be processed.

Before submitting a lab request, check Labs Locations and Schedules for availability.

Lab Scheduling Request

Course Details

(e.g., ENGL)
Types of Course*

Instructor Information

Alternate Contact Person (optional)

Lab Details

Facility Requested*
Please list the software that you expect to use in this class and any software that you will provide, even if you think it is already installed. Software changes from semester to semester. Include version numbers if important.


Requested Schedule *
Complete if Requested Schedule is Short Term.
Do you need the lab during the first week of classes?*

First Choice Days and Times

Please use 24 hour time or indicate AM or PM

Second Choice Days and Times (optional but encouraged)

Please use 24 hour time or indicate AM or PM

Additional Comments