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How to Purchase Accessible Information Technologies

Vital to the success of accessibility at Sonoma State University is the adoption of accessibility standards for purchasing electronic and IT systems including web applications, hardware, software, telecommunications, multimedia and products such as copiers, fax machines, information kiosks, etc. As the University acquires new resources, they must comply with Section 508 because we are using public funds.

Procurement Process for IT

Before making IT-related purchases, employees must follow the procedure below to initiate an accessibility review.

  1. Obtain a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for all IT-related purchases, excluding standard IT Hardware.
  2. Fill out the online IT Purchase Review request form (Seawolf login).
    1. Upload or provide a URL for the VPAT in the IT Purchase Review request form.
    2. If you cannot find a VPAT, IT will search for one.
  3. For some Cloud storage & services only, you may also need to fill out the Department Cloud Usage Checklist (Seawolf ID required).  IT will let you know if this is required, and will provide assistance.  Additional information about the Cloud procurement process is available here.
  4. For some software and web procurements, an Equally Effective Accessible Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) will need to be developed. IT will let you know if this is required, and will provide assistance.
  5. Once approved by IT, send the IT Purchase Review, VPAT, EEAAP, and CSU Data Requirements Checklist to Procurement & Contract Services along with your EREQ via email at
    1. If the product is free, you will submit an EREQ for zero dollars.

Please contact IT at with any questions about this process.

A flowchart of this process is also available.


IT Procurement Impact Matrix
Risk LevelImpact FactorsReview Level
Public FacingRequired for Class or Work# of Users
(If any of the impact factors is Yes)
  • Critical Review and file VPAT
  • EEAAP if VPAT is not available or fails to meet standards
  • Collaboration with DSS for product testing
  • Request  vendor to demo accessibility features
(All impact factors match)
  • Review and file VPAT
  • Or EEAAP if VPAT is not available
  • Request  vendor to demo accessibility features [optional]