Drupal 10 - Logging into sandbox/stage/pre-production environments
As SSU works through the upgrade to Drupal 9, department content editors will need to login to D9 sites in our sandbox, stage and pre-production environments.
Login URLs
Sandbox Sites
Sites for exploring D9 and learning how to build content:
- format - https://[sitename].a9prd.sonoma.edu/user
- example - https://it.a9prd.sonoma.edu/user
Stage Sites
Sites for performing migration QA and staging:
- format - https://[sitename].a9stg.sonoma.edu/user
- example - https://it.a9stg.sonoma.edu/user
Pre-Production Sites
Replaces the Sandbox, and is used for final review and approval:
- format - https://[sitename].a9prd.sonoma.edu/user
- example - https://it.a9prd.sonoma.edu/user
Production Sites
After a site migration and upgrade has been completed and the site is live.
- format - https://[sitename].sonoma.edu/user
- example - /user
How to Login
Drupal 9 uses SSU’s single sign-on system.
Note: Sandboxes, Stage and Pre-Production sites have an additional level of HTTP authentication to prevent search engines and other unauthorized access. This won’t be required once your migrated department site is launched.
- Go to your site's login URL. Be sure you are using https and not http.
- HTTP authentication dialog will be presented. If you don't know this shared username and password, please consult the email sent to you via Drupal-Announce, or contact drupal@sonoma.edu.
- Click SSU Single Sign-on.
- Authenticate with SSU’s single sign-on system, including multi-factor authentication.
- You are returned to the Drupal Sandbox and logged in as a content editor.