Remote Access FAQ

How can I securely store and access level 1 data from off-campus?

Per the SSU Information Security Information Asset Management standard, files containing unencrypted level 1 data must be stored on the SSU-Alpha encrypted file server, and must not be stored on a cloud storage service (such as Google Drive), on your network home drive (M: drive), on the SSU-Beta file server, or on an unencrypted flash drive or other external drive. They also must not be sent through email.

How do I access SSU-Alpha from off-campus?

In order to access SSU-Alpha from off-campus, you will need to:

  • have a university issued Windows laptop,
  • have full disk encryption enabled on your laptop,
  • have multifactor authentication enabled for your account, 
  • have VPN (Virtual Private Network) access enabled for your account,
  • have the VPN client installed on your laptop, and
  • keep the Operating System on your laptop patched on an ongoing basis.

Please contact the IT Help Desk to set up your computer and your account to enable remote access to the SSU-Alpha fileserver.